Rigatoni with Saku Saku and toma cream


Cabbage Saku Saku: 350 grams
Rigatoni type of pasta: 250 grams
Toma cheese
Celery leaves
Extra virgin olive oil: to taste
Salt to taste.


1. Coarsely chop the cabbage, place it in a saucepan with 150ml of water, 2 bay leaves, a drizzle of oil and a pinch of salt. Cover and cook in 12-15 minutes.

2. Bring the saucepan of water to a boil, add salt and dip the pasta into it.

3. Cut the toma into cubes, add it to the cooked cabbage and blend with a tablespoon of pasta cooking water, one of oil and a sprig of peeled celery.

4. Blend everything together until you get a very fine cream.

5. Drain the pasta and dress it with the cream.

Coleslaw: Saku Saku salad in light version


Cabbage Saku Saku: 500 grams
Carrots: 2
Spring onion: 1
Yogurt: 350 grams. 0% fat Greek yogurt (or replace with 1 cup of mayonnaise if you want the classic version)
Brown sugar: 2 tbsp
Apple cider vinegar: 2 tbsp
Pepper: 1 pinch
Mustard: 2 tsp


Coleslaw is a very popular salad in the US that is served as a side dish to burgers or other meat dishes. The name Coleslaw is a term of Irish origin which derives from “kool” which means cabbage and “sla” abbreviation of the word “salade”.

1. Remove the outer leaves of the cabbage, if damaged or hard, and wash it. Dry it well and cut it thinly with the knife

2. Place the cabbage in a colander so that it dries as you prepare the other ingredients. It is very important that the cabbage is dry when used in the salad as otherwise it will release water once seasoned, which will settle on the bottom of the salad.

3. Wash and peel the carrots. Dry them and grate them not too finely.

4. Wash the spring onion and cut into slices, including the green part.

5. Prepare the coleslaw dressing. In a small bowl pour the sugar, salt and pepper. Add the vinegar and mix well to dissolve the solid ingredients.

6. Add the Greek yogurt (or mayonnaise for the non-light version) and mix until a homogenous sauce is obtained.

7. Add 2 or 3 teaspoons of mustard to taste.

8. Pour all the vegetables into a salad bowl.

9. Dress the coleslaw salad with the Greek yogurt dressing and mix. Place in the refrigerator, covering with cling film for a couple of hours so that the cabbage salad is well flavored.

Saku Saku salad with apple and walnuts


Cabbage Saku Saku: half
Renette apples (if available): 2
Walnut kernels: 5
Extra virgin olive oil: 2 tbsp
Wine vinegar: 1 tbsp
Lemon juice: to taste
Salt to taste.


1. Remove the outer leaves of the cabbage and choose the softest ones. Cut the cabbage very thin with a knife, place it in a colander, add salt and leave it to rest for half an hour. By doing so it will lose some of its vegetation water.

2. Slice the apples thinly and sprinkle them with a little lemon juice to prevent them from turning black.

3. Crumble the walnut kernels.

4. Prepare a vinagrette by mixing the extra virgin olive oil, vinegar and salt with a fork.

5. Collect the cut and drained cabbage in a bowl, the apples and, just before serving the salad, dress it with the vinagrette, completing it with the walnut kernels.