
Biting a Zuccurì® is an authentic sensory experience. The cooked pulp has a soft texture on the palate that first crumbles and then melts in the mouth. It is called chestnut pumpkin for this characteristic and its natural sweetness is misleading to the point that many think it has been artificially sweetened.

how it is grown


“The original name Zuccurì® was born from the fusion of Kuri (chestnut in Japanese) and Pumpkin.
In fact, Kuri kabocha means chestnut pumpkin.”


Zuccurì® can be appreciated in several ways: in Tempura (fried), in the microwave (just 5 minutes of cooking) or in soup. Cooked and cut into small pieces, it is a very tasty snack.

Growing tips

Our advice is to grow Zuccurì® during periods characterized by high temperatures, with a soil rich in nitrogen.
Furthermore, it is necessary to obtain a good leaf coverage.

Where to buy our products


Since 1817 production and sale of vegetable, flower and lawn seeds, fruit and ornamental plants, bulbs, tools and fertilizers. Mail order sales through catalog and website and direct sales in the Garden Center in Milan. The mission of Ingegnoli brothers is to spread the passion for greenery, with a constant search for the best quality, respecting nature towards the maximum satisfaction of its customers, thus becoming one of the best known companies in the sector both in Italy and in the abroad.

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The Orto Mio Agricultural Company has been growing garden plants for generations. The famous brand of the little man with a wheelbarrow, born in 1992, is recognized for the high quality of its products.
Our garden plants, healthier and easier to grow, are the right choice for both the garden and the balcony. An assortment of over 600 vegetable plants completes the Orto Mio offer.
Orto Mio is present in the best agricultural and garden centers throughout Italy and in various European countries such as: Austria, Croatia, France, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Switzerland.

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Agricola Don Camillo was born in 2005, when a group of producers joined forces and created a small business in the heart of Brescello, with the aim of producing and selling melons and watermelons. The deep bond with the countryside, the passion for agriculture and the love for fruit, pushes them to grow: from a small business, Agricola Don Camillo becomes a point of reference for large-scale Italian and European distribution.

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