How to sow
It is possible to sow directly into the ground and to transplant the seedlings grown in pots in the nursery with a recommended planting distance of 60-70 cm in the row and 3.5m between the rows.
How to grow
Our advice is to grow Zuccurì® during periods characterized by high temperatures, preferring a soil rich in available nitrogen.
Furthermore, it is necessary to try to obtain a good leaf coverage.
When to harvest
The best period for harvesting will be 40-50 days after the opening of the female flowers, in this way the fruit will reach its maximum size around the 25-30th day after transplantation but will not be ready to be harvested yet. When the pumpkin is ready, the stalk will change texture, changing the color of the skin from a bright and shiny green to a slightly more opaque shade.
Leave the fruits not overlapped on each other and in a windy place, for at least 7 days, avoiding direct exposure to the sun. Only after the peduncle is completely dry, it will be possible to pile the pumpkins in an airy environment and away from the sun. This step is essential for a good shelf life. The best period for consuming pumpkin is between 30 and 60 days.